This year, I’m all about promises. Like a fashion trend, promises are “in” this year for me. Well, promises have always been “in," only my eyes weren’t really open to them. Now that my eyes are indeed open, I know that I’ll be looking for promises everywhere- all the time. Like the perfect sweater or pair of jeans, these promises will always be in style. I’ll wear them forever. Then, when they grow worn and faded, they will still be perfect because they’ll be vintage. (And that makes things much cooler, in my personal opinion.)
Promises are hard to keep. A lot of times we promise without thinking about the consequences or the actual promise itself. I know that I break too many promises and forget about lots of other ones.
On the other hand, promises are beautiful. The words “Until death do us part” are some of the most powerful and inspiring words out there. A genuine and committed promise is pure and holy.
No one on this earth can be a perfect promise-keeper.
Only God can make promises that truly stand when all else is shaken.
I grew up in church. You could find me in church Sunday mornings and nights, Wednesday nights, and some Saturdays too. I am sure that I’ve heard thousands of sermons and testimonies and miracles. I know I’ve been told about God’s promises many times, but it’s different this time around. Now, I’m finding the promises for myself. I see them, so bare and obvious, in Psalms and Isaiah and Jeremiah and Exodus. I underline ferociously, marking God’s promises to David and the Israelites and to me. The promises are right there, in the Word of God, which hasn’t changed a bit.
See, I’ve begun to train my eyes for the promises. At first, it was awkward and uncomfortable, claiming the things that God has promised me. But now, it’s becoming like second nature and I am excited to go looking for the promises. I want to open my Bible, anxious to find another promise, another guarantee of God’s goodness.
Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to the house of Israel failed;
every one was fulfilled.
~Joshua 21:45
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You should literally put a heart or a star(anything!), something to remind you where the promises are... |