Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lost and Found in His Word

Reading my Bible has always been kinda hard for me. I read the whole New Testament when I was younger, but since then... I’d say days would go by and I wouldn’t even think about it. I’ve always been a reader, though- so I had no idea why reading the Bible was so hard. I read good, uplifting books, yet the Bible would just sit there.
Part of what contributed to my lack of interest in the Bible was that I thought I knew it all already. (Pride, that’s a tough one.) I thought, how could I learn anything else? Growing up in the church, sometimes makes you think you’ve seen God in as many ways as possible already. Sometimes you’re almost less amazed at the awesomeness of God because you’ve seen it for so long.
The time came for me to pray for some people. What I felt God wanted me to pray into their lives was His promises. I thought I knew them, but when I opened my mouth to claim the promises, I had nothing. Sure, I knew the phrases, (“I’ll never leave you or forsake you”, “You’ll call and I’ll answer”, “I’ll bind up the broken hearted” etc) but I couldn’t tell you the reference. This, for some reason, bothered me. Knowing the lingo wasn’t good enough, I wanted to SEE it.
So, it was when I went promise-hunting in Psalms, that the desire to read the Word of God was activated inside of me. I began to realize that I was headed towards a dangerous place. I had to decide that I didn’t want to limit God to doing what He’s always done. I wanted to be amazed constantly by my amazing God
So I went searching. I found what I was looking for. I found promises, guarantees of God’s goodness. I found the hope, the amazing Hope that is there for all who believe.
And more than that, as I read more of God’s Word, I learned more. I saw verses as I never have before. God showed me that no matter how long I’ve been saved, He always has some new and crazy thing to show me. Sometimes to see, you have to go looking.
No, I don’t have a reading plan. No, I’ve still never read Leviticus, Numbers, or Deuteronomy (yet!). I jump from Psalms to Hebrews to Isaiah to Romans - and am always surprised at the “new” verse I discover. Always a promise and always a wake up call.
I’m in Romans today. Chapter 5, verses 6-8. 
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
The Message says in verse 8, “But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him.”
And though I’ve read it before, today I see. 
I see the pure beauty of God’s love. 
I see Christ’s world-shaking sacrifice. 

I see how incredible it is, that Jesus would die for people who were of no use to Him. Can I honestly say that I would give up my life for a murderer, liar, thief, and gossiper?  Christ did. For me and for you. While we were still in sin, He died for us. He died for us! Not because we were holy, but because He is.
So there you have it. God is again stretching me and remaking me. He is opening my eyes to my imperfections, but showing me that it is then that His mighty power will be displayed. Because an imperfect person needs saving- I need saving. We all need saving.

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