Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jesus, the Perfect Example of Giving-Thanks-In-All-Things

Tonight at church, we took Communion.

Communion services are beautiful. I like how it gets so quiet. 
People thinking. Ears listening. Eyes closed. Hearts still.

I couldn’t even count how many times I’ve taken the bread & cup in remembrance. 

I have to come back to the whole 1000 gifts, give-thanks-in-all-things business that I’ve been doing, because it’s really opening my eyes to all of the times I see the words “give thanks” in Scripture, which is a lot by the way.

Christ said those words, you know. Ann Voskamp talks about this in her book, but today it became real to me. I experienced it.

I read it tonight in Matthew 26:26-27.

While they were eating, Jesus took bread,
 and when he had given thanks
he broke it and gave it to his disciples, 
saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” 
Then he took a cup, 
and when he had given thanks
he gave it to them, 
saying, “Drink from it, all of you...”

When I read these verses, the words “he had given thanks” stood out to me, because I’m always on the lookout for the thanksgiving.

Then I really and truly thought about what Jesus was giving thanks for. I sighed heavy, as I realized that He was giving thanks for the very things that symbolized His death on the cross for us. 

The cup- His blood, poured out for the sins of many. Give thanks.
The bread- His body, broken for us. Give thanks.

Jesus could give thanks for this?

Yes, He gave thanks in the hardest of hard times and I should too. 
He did the hard work of giving thanks in ALL things.

Good. Bad. Ugly. Beautiful. Peace. Storm. All things.

Give thanks.

I’m putting post-its all over everything to remind me to give thanks.

I’m not kidding, they are everywhere.

Maybe you too, could try to give thanks, even in the hard times, like Christ did..?