Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What I'm Not Taking With Me on My Trip

This post has been a long time coming. Even now, it's hard to find the words.

For some reason, fear and faith always get compared.
Fear on one side of the scale, faith on the other.

You hear people say, "Oh, let your faith be bigger than your fear."
And that's great. But, if we're really honest, it's not that easy.

When I think of faith, I think of belief. A belief in something or someone.

When I think of fear, I think of ...

fear of failure
fear of looking weird
fear of being wrong
fear of being alone
fear of being unhappy
fear of losing
fear of heartbreak
fear. of. everything.

I lived fear. I let it tie a leash around me and lead me wherever it wanted to take me.

Here's the thing: All this fear wasn't taking me anywhere I wanted to go. It wasn't taking me anywhere, actually. Only deeper and deeper into it's own pit. Worry. Pride. Anxiety. Doubt. Control. Those things live in the pit too.

I have faith that God really can do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can think or imagine and I'm ready to live like it. I believe that He has a life for me that's crazy and awesome and inspiring and all for His glory.

Seriously though, I'm done with the little box, the safety net, the comfort zone. I'm done living like He owes me something or has to work according to my standards and limitations. See, God doesn't owe me anything; rather, he owns me. I live for Him. Faith may be considered a noun, according to the dictionary, but I'm going to think of it more like a verb. Because faith in God moves us into action. 

That's why I'm about to head on a trip to India. Not because God can only use me if I'm in a foreign country, but because He opened the door and said "Go." So I am. And you may not believe me, but for the first time (ever I think) I am not afraid. I have no idea what I'll be doing besides serving and loving and letting Christ be seen in me. And I'm okay with that.

And here's why: Fear is NOT the boss of me. (That needs to be read in the voice of a slightly annoying, but very determined five year old.) I'm not it's pet anymore. I'm not in that pit. 

So I'm all packed for my trip. However, there are a few things I won't be bringing with me.
They're heavy and bulky and awkward and demanding and I'm throwing them away.


Ah, that's better. Tough, but much better. Now I can be who I am called to be, do what I am called to do, and live radically for Christ. 

Will I be afraid again? Yeah, probably. But I'll take a deep breath and remember that Christ lives in me and fear is not my boss.


  1. Popping over from the START page. :)

    Love your honesty, because I can relate!! Have you read any of Brene Brown's books or heard her speak? If not, you should look into her. She talks about how vulnerability is the gateway to loneliness, fear, unhappiness, shame, pain, etc, and often we choose not allow ourselves to be vulnerable in order to not feel those things.

    HOWEVER, vulnerability is also the gateway to love, friendship, belonging, authenticity, creativity, joy.

    Definitely something I'm working through right now! God Bless!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog! I haven't heard of Brene Brown- so I will definitely look into her work. Sounds like I'd really enjoy her. God bless you too Lori! And thanks again:)

  2. Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing your heart! I'll have to remember that line to recite to myself "fear is not the boss of me!" I hope you have an amazing trip!

    1. Thank you so much Brandi! The trip was amazing:)

      Yeah, that's a line that I have to repeat to myself often!

  3. I am so proud of you! Calm is how you have been when tlking and getting ready for this trip. When you know that you are being obedient, all anxiety and junk is gone.
    Give all the children an extra squeeze from Aunt Susie. See you when you return home.

    1. Exactly! No need to be anxious when you're in the will of God.

  4. How incredible. The Lord will bless you greatly. You know, God told my husband to pray for a man at Wawa. He thought, well i don't want to disturb him. Then Good said, well then i can't use you. So, he got out of the car & prayed for the man (who turn out to be mentally handicapped & very grateful for the prayer).
    So, fear... not worth the energy. Let the Lord God lead you & show Christ to the world.

    1. So true! Thank God your hubby obeyed...what a testimony!

  5. my sweet Vanessa!!! It has always been evident that God's hand is on your life! You are such a special young lady, a true gem!! I love you! Aunt Joanie :)

  6. As your mother, I know what a huge thing this is for you. I am so proud of you. We must all overcome our fear in our own way. I love how you are just so open and honest in your blog. Fear keeps us from moving forward in every aspect of life. I must confess that I too had some fear for you to go but I am letting God take that fear away and turning into prayer. Whenever I feel that fear trying to come back, I just start praying for you and the holy spirit just takes it away. Love you doll.

    1. Very true! Fear holds us back from living the fullest life God has for us. I sure am thankful for all the prayers. Love you too Mom!

  7. Uncle Danny and I are SO proud of you! Be blessed!
