Monday, April 14, 2014

Be Still and Know

I've been MIA for a little while and I'm truly sorry.

With being in school full-time and working full-time, my 24 hours seem to go by kinda quickly.
I decided to do a toss-up between a blog post or some more homework. Then I decided to just do homework. However, the server is down temporarily, so BLOG post it is :)

Sometimes it feels like a hamster wheel. I wake up, go to work, come home, do schoolwork, eat, do schoolwork, shower, go to bed. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. {Psst, can I tell you a secret? I hate the hamster wheel.}

I am learning that there is a season and a reason for just about everything. Planting means growing and growing means pain.

And in the quiet moments, when it's just me and Him, I cry out with my questions and heart-aches and my longing for fullness. In that quiet moment, one little phrase came to mind:

Be still and know.

That's it. Just four little words. And they are powerful words, fairly well-known, and (I'll admit) a little frustrating. See, there's a lot of things I don't know and for some reason, I dwell on those.

It's like, we're wired that way. We see the things we don't know- and that's all we see.
But I think I'm done with that.
I want to just be still and know.

Know what?

Know that God is good. Always.
Know that God is all-knowing (try saying that ten times fast). I need not worry.
Know that God is everywhere, all at the same time, so I can focus on simply being present.
Know that God is all-powerful, so I can rely on muscles that are bigger than mine.
Know that God loves and cares for all of the people in this great big world.

Know that He has something crazy beautiful in store for me even when I can't see it. And even though I'm following Him blindfolded, I know that He is the God who sees. Sure, I'd love to see the future, but I want to see Jesus more.

Know that my God works in His own way and on His own time. I'm thankful for that because when my own plans and timetable aren't lining up quite right, He's working on something else, something better.

Know that my life will reflect His goodness...

For my story will be His story for His glory.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Christmas Cards: Special Delivery {Where the Second Donation Is Headed!}

So I have been promising to tell you guys where the rest of the Christmas Cards money is going, but I couldn’t because you were still buying them even after Christmas had passed.

First, I want to say:

Thank you.

Rebekah, I know I told you a billion times already, but I can’t stop saying thank you because you took the idea from my head and made it a complete reality. Your photography is amazing and you are too. I am honored to call you my friend and I look forward to the inspiring things that God will do in your life.

To all of you who helped me get this started, especially my parents and Julia, who listened to me babble when this was just a crazy idea in my head. Thank you.

To all of you who prayed and offered your advice, I believe you made the difference. Thank you. 

To all of you who purchased cards or donated, whether it was 50 cards or just one, you made a difference. Thank you.  Rebekah and I, we didn’t keep anything for ourselves. We just gave. You gave.

I think this is what is the coolest: We use our gifts (that are God-given) to create, you bought cards to give as gifts, and the money from the cards was used as a gift to those who are truly in need. It’s just this twisted and beautiful little web of giving gifts.

Okay, so the remaining proceeds, which totaled over $550, were donated to a wonderful organization called Rehema Home.

I first heard about this home in a Facebook group (shout out to all the #DreamBuilders!) and I was touched by the work that they are doing in Kenya. 
Caring for orphans, meeting needs, 
letting God’s mercy change the lives of all those beautiful children.

A team from the States is going to Kenya this Spring and the proceeds from the Christmas Cards will go to help fund a project for the team to complete while they are there. They will give us an update after it’s completed so you can all know what project it accomplished, so you’ll just have to stay tuned! :)

It’s hard to believe that this round of Christmas Cards has come to a close. It’s hard to believe that over $800 has gone to bless orphans in Haiti and Kenya. It’s hard to believe that God chooses to use us to accomplish this stuff, but He does.

I just have one last thing to tell you guys: Give. Please do it. I’m not doing anything crazy. I just am trying to do what Jesus says and He says GIVE. It may cost you- time, money, sleep, tears- but give. 

God set the ultimate example for us, by giving His Son for us. 

Now let’s be givers too.

To read more about Rehema Home and the beautiful work they are doing in Kenya, click here.
To make a donation, click here.

“Live creatively, friends. 
If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, 
saving your critical comments for yourself. 
You might be needing forgiveness before the day’s out. 
Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. 
Share their burdens, and so complete Christ’s law. 
If you think you are too good for that, you are badly deceived.” 
~Galatians 6:1-3, The Message