Saturday, September 1, 2012

Not Enough Room

I’ve always known that tithing was important. I knew that the Bible says that we are to give God 10%. I knew that God blesses those who tithe, but I didn’t really know. And I didn’t know where the promise was- and I wanted to see it.

So, when I was younger, I got an allowance when I helped do chores. It wasn’t a crazy amount of money, but I was always encouraged by my parents to give 10% to God.

A little while ago, I was a helper in the 2nd grade Sunday School class at my church. The teacher is known by me (and many others) as Sister Kathy.

I’ve known Sister Kathy practically my entire life. She taught me in Sunday School, taught me sister in preschool, and we work together every summer at the same preschool.

Of course, I was glad that I’d be helping in her class. She is an amazing person, with God-stories and teacher-stories that inspire me. She cares. She cares for her family, her students, and her church- like no one else I know.

She told those 2nd graders a story about tithing. I hope I don’t get it wrong... The story was about her daughter, who really wanted a hat from the store. Basically, it would cost her entire allowance, with no 10% to give God. Sister Kathy encouraged her daughter to tithe, but let her decide what she wanted to do. 

Her daughter chose to tithe and not get the hat. 

I don’t remember how much time passed, but then they went to a relative’s house. That relative had bought that very same hat for Sister Kathy’s daughter.

I listen closely to the story; I’m just as captivated as the 2nd grader next to me. I remember Sister Kathy saying that she didn’t even tell the relative about the hat. She was showing the children how God truly blesses us when we obey Him.

The story was for the kids, but it was for me too.

Since then, I’ve been trying to faithfully give God the tiny, 10%, He asks for. 
I’m just trying to honor God and trust Him.

He certainly has blessed me back, with more than I thought.

I worked a lot this summer, so the last tithe kinda hurt. 
School started and everybody knows how expensive it is. 
Parting with the tithe this month was the hardest it’s ever been for me.

Yet, God honors His promise. (Yes, it’s another promise.)

I babysat this past week and am babysitting again tonight.
And God has already given me almost double what I gave Him.

I’m amazed at how God works. Always revealing, blessing, giving.

I wanted to see it, in the Word of God, for myself. The command to tithe is in Leviticus, but the part I was looking for was in Malachi 3. Verse 10 is below: 

 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. 
Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see 
if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing 
that there will not be room enough to store it.”

Ahh, go read it again. Please.

There will not be room enough to store it.

There won’t be enough room to store all the blessings that God will pour down from heaven on you. 

He said to test Him- and see that Jehovah Jireh, the Provider, meets all your needs- and then more

More blessings than you have room for.

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