Sunday, November 18, 2012

God Can Use You

If you read this title and said  Amen, He uses me, then I want you to keep reading.

If you read this title and said Amen, but thought to yourself Me? He can’t use me. I don’t even have any talents. I can’t even do anything, then I really want you to keep reading.

You see, I’ll be brave enough to say that at one point, I didn’t think God could use me. This might sound like I’m fishing for compliments, but believe me, I’m not. 

Use ME, God?

Yeah, that’s funny.

I’m not super talented. I’m average.
I’m not funny. I’m corny.
I’m not bold. I get too scared.
There’s way too many things I can’t do. 

Then I read it. 2 Corinthians 12:9.
Then I read it again.

But he said to me, 
“My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, 
my power is made perfect in you.” 
So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. 
Then Christ’s power can live in me. 
~2 Corinthians 12:9

And for some reason, when I read it that time, I got it.
I understood that God can indeed use me.
In fact, Christ’s power can LIVE IN ME.
I have to focus on Christ in me, the Hope of Glory- not on the me in me.
I have to focus on His Word, not mine.
I have to focus on His power, not mine.

Those things I said about myself are true. I am average, corny, and timid. But it’s totally not even about that at all. It’s not about me. It’s Christ in me! 

No matter what you are (funny, corny, talented, not talented, shy, bold, old, young, sick, healthy) - it doesn’t matter. The people who are using their talents for His glory, that you idolize, are only doing it through His power too. Just like you. He takes your ordinary life and makes it all for His glory. He makes it extraordinary.

Because when Christ lives in you, He changes everything. 

You+His power= Perfectly Usable.

Yes, you the child.
Yes, you the teenager.
Yes, you the young adult.
Yes, you *cough* old-ER person. 
Yes, you who is sick in bed.
Yes, you the teacher. The accountant. The secretary. The stay-at-home mom.
Yes, you on the stage singing and preaching.
Yes, you in the back, trying to not be seen.
Yes, you who still doesn’t believe me, with all your quirks and doubts, 
God can use you.
Yes, YOU.

I dare you: Quit thinking that God can't use you because you're not _____ enough. It's not even about you, it's Christ in you.

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